Hospital Ministry


Lorraines left leg injury
Before the process of removing bandages
These are pictures of my sweet friend Lorraine who my heart breaks for everyday when I have come to the knowledge of the pain she has had to endure these past nine months. After the doctors , nurses and all staff went on strike, the patients at the hospital were told to pay there bill and leave.  Many unable to pay bill and leave to get medical attention elsewhere literally died this past week. We were able to get Loraaine out of the hospital with a promise to come back when bank opened to pay the bill. Unfortuanely, Lorraines leg dressing had not been changed in five days and they were covered in maggits. The worst part was the dressing had become glued to her wounds and the pain she had to experience to remove them was unimaginable. Lorraine is now very thankful to be home with her sister and friends but she still .has a very long way to go. She still cannot move and must where a diaper.She must have her bandages changed every other day and this process  takes about an hour which is excruciating for her(as you can see from these picures)She has not been able to bend her knee straight in 9 months and the doctor said if we don't move it she will never walk this week we have to add this painful process to the list.I am not showing you these pictures to shock you. Im not showing them to you so you can pity her.
Im showing them to you so you will be moved with compassion for her as I have. Im showing you these things so you can help me in making a better life for her. Every penny that is given to the hospital ministry at this time will all go to making sure Lorraine has the very best medical, nutrition, and          hopefully even housing away from the unsanitary ,sewage filled slums.

raw sewage and trash behind Lorraines house
Lorraines right leg injury (groin to ankle)

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