Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hope for Lorraine (update)

Haven and Lorraine sleeping after a long day of physical therapy

Yesterday was a milestone for Lorraine as she stood for the first time on her own in 11 months.  Only 3 short months ago( but what seems like a lifetime ) God led me to find this lifeless 9 year old little girl laying in bed of a government hospital in  Kenya . She was hit by a bus and had been laying there for 9 months. She was in a state of severe malnourishment, her bandages covered in maggits, and enduring unimaginable , indescribable suffering. She had totally given up on living.
I could not just walk away knowing she would probably die there.
 After getting her to a private hospital even the best doctors would say"We will see what we can do."It is only because of prayers and donations that  Lorraine is able to stand today. Im beaming with joy today as I look back at where we have come from.
 If you would like to be a part of helping Lorraine continue on the road to recovery or help with expences our family has encurred while stepping out in faith trusting God will provide ...please see our donation buttton under hospital ministry. Donations will not only go to continue to provide for her medical care ,physical therapy, christian school but also for housing away from the unsanitary ,sewage filled slums she was living in so that her wounds can continue to heal properly. 

physical therapy 

wounds after 8 months in hospital
process of healing after 2 months

sewage behind Lorraines home
new temporary home 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lorraines Prayer

Lorraine has been fighting to stand in hopes of one day being able to walk. For as much suffering as she has endured and continues to endure she has an amazing attitude. This morning ,although a little shy, she prayed for the first time outloud. Her prayer was so beautiful it brought me to tears. It was a long prayer because she had so many things to thank God for, including our family for coming to save her.Then she went on to ask God to heal her legs so she could walk again.
As Lorraine has been fighting to walk , I have been back in the U.S. fighting to raise money for her medical needs. I have to admit that I hate fundraising. I had a sick feeling as I was sharing the needs for Lorraine that I was begging .As money ran out and bills went up, the more desperate I began to feel. I prayed for God to take this feeling away but it followed me around weighing me down. But as soon as I got back here to Kenya and saw  sweet Lorraines face I had a revelation...... Im not begging for money for Lorraine, Im giving people an opportunity to be a part of something beautiful. You are investing in eternity. So if you have received this information and are able to give and have been lifting Lorraine up in prayer , consider yourself blessed! I apologize for any pasts posts that have not been in the right spirit.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I pray you are moved with compassion

Lorraines left leg injury
Before the process of removing bandages
These are pictures of my sweet friend Lorraine who my heart breaks for everyday when I have come to the knowledge of the pain she has had to endure these past nine months. After the doctors , nurses and all staff went on strike, the patients at the hospital were told to pay there bill and leave.  Many unable to pay bill and leave to get medical attention elsewhere literally died this past week. We were able to get Loraaine out of the hospital with a promise to come back when bank opened to pay the bill. Unfortuanely, Lorraines leg dressing had not been changed in five days and they were covered in maggits. The worst part was the dressing had become glued to her wounds and the pain she had to experience to remove them was unimaginable. Lorraine is now very thankful to be home with her sister and friends but she still .has a very long way to go. She still cannot move and must where a diaper.She must have her bandages changed every other day and this process  takes about an hour which is excruciating for her(as you can see from these picures)She has not been able to bend her knee straight in 9 months and the doctor said if we don't move it she will never walk this week we have to add this painful process to the list.I am not showing you these pictures to shock you. Im not showing them to you so you can pity her.
Im showing them to you so you will be moved with compassion for her as I have. Im showing you these things so you can help me in making a better life for her. Every penny that is given to the hospital ministry at this time will all go to making sure Lorraine has the very best medical, nutrition, and          hopefully even housing away from the unsanitary ,sewage filled slums.

raw sewage and trash behind Lorraines house
Lorraines right leg injury (groin to ankle)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pray for Lorraine

I was able to sneak a picture of Lorrain when the staff was not looking.She has been waiting nine months now for another skin graph surgery.This will be the second attempt ...the first attempt didn't take because of infection. The nurse said she is too thin so they cant take it from her body so they need to do this artificial skin grafting. The lady next to her is named Purity. She has also been in hospital waiting for skin graph surgery for almost a year and was also hit by a vehicle. Please keep Lorraine and Purtiy in your prayers.

                                             Lorraine playing with my kindle