Thursday, October 31, 2013


The  past three years has been spent preparing for Kenya Africa ...praying, waiting, selling, packing, and saving. But in one moment everything changed.One month before leaving we found out our 17 year old daughter amber was pregnant. To say we were devastated would not begin to describe the dark place we were those first days. We were not sure what this meant for our family. Do we stay or go? Through much prayer we decided to follow what God had put in our hearts...Kenya. What we thought was the worse timing possible turned out to be the best. This time has given our family a chance to heal. These past months have not only been adjusting to life here in Kenya but adjusting to the thought of being a grandparent. This process is not been easy. And there are days when we feel defeated  but Im reminded daily that no matter what the circumstances , my God is in the business of redeeming. My God is a God of many chances and we all fall short daily and out of brokeness He brings beauty. Out of mourning He brings dancing. What satan meant for harm,my God will use for good. God can turn our defeat to victory and then He restores my soul.and just as a side note, God has entrusted us with 4amazing ,beautiful girls that we would give our life for. They are all inperfect like there parents but we are all striving to be the best we can be.
Our future is uncertain but this is ok.We could have it all planned out but then everything would change, so we are taking one day and one step at a time.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made

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