Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I'm proud my husband is that kind of man

I wasn't sure i wanted to share this story with anyone but decided that this was part of our life here in Kenya . It is not always pretty.
Last week we made a last minute decision to run home and change clothes before church. As we were driving we noticed a large crowd gathered on the street looking  at something. As we got close we were shocked to see it was a man being beaten to death for stealing (they call it mob justice)We sat horrified in our car as we watched to see if they were going to let this man go. Things were just getting progressively worse. Many cars drove by only to briefly glance over and drive away.We had our little daughter Havens head buried into her sisters shoulder so she couldn't see. Amber began crying out "Do something. They are killing him!"My husband had a choice to make ...drive away and let this man be beaten to death or put himself and his family in danger by trying to help. As we sat there my husband just kept saying out loud " What do i do? What do I do?" And then an opportunity presented itself . The man was trying to escape man. A few men from the crowd picked up gigantic rocks and began to chase him. Wayne laid his hand on the horn and began to drive through the crowd of people . He drove up next to the badly beaten man and told him to jump on. Somehow this man was able to grab ahold as we drove away. When we stopped to ask directions to the hospital the man jumped off and disappeared .
 I don't believe it was by accident that we were there at that time and place.  This experience has made us even more cautious. I can't say that our family will not avoid anything that looks like a crowd of people from now on. This is definitely not the ministry I'm interested in. A friend of mine said that this story reminds her of the Good Samaritan. I am proud that my husband is that kind of man.


alisa said...

I'm crying!

Cindy Faulkner said...

I'm not surprised by the violence that we all read about happening in Kenya, but this makes it personal. Stay safe! I am so proud of you, Wayne! Amber - you show great empathy! I love and miss you guys.